Monday, May 6, 2013

Now What?

Happy Monday!!

I have big news everyone! Are you ready? I AM A COLLEGE GRADUATE!! Well... now what? I literally have no clue what I'm going to do with my life now. Tomorrow I am starting my internship at a boutique an hour away from my house. I am way too nervous for words. Legit, so nervous that I drove down there today to make sure I could get there on my own, and to buy new clothes for the job.

Here I am, 21 years old, with a bachelors degree in Fashion Merchandising, working as a server and an intern. Now I'm all panicky that I will never find my big girl job. Why didn't I just go to school for hair 3 years ago when I thought that's what I would want to do. I'd already have my big girl job then. Now what do I do? I'm just so nervous it's ridiculous.

On to different news, I have purchased a new shampoo and conditioner. Be judgmental, I'll understand. I bought the Mane n' Tail products that are supposed to make your hair grow. I've read and watched a lot of blogs/vlogs on this brand and it's very split. Some people rave about it making their hair grow, while others see no difference. I have only used it like 4 times, so clearly I see nothing, but maybe I will notice something when/if I use it all up. We all know it's a freaking miracle if I use up my hair care products. My first washes with it so far, I can tell you the shampoo lathers up well and makes my hair feel clean, and I really enjoy the way the conditioner makes my hair feel. There isn't really any smell to it. Maybe just a soapy smell, but it's nothing crazy.

I feel like my hair just won't grow. I can see that it's growing because of the roots of my highlights, but I can't tell a difference at all. I'm pretty sure no one can. That's annoying... why won't you grow hair?! I'm doing another "line test" at the end of this month to see if there is anything happening..

Anybody have anything new to report on growing your hair?


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