Sunday, March 24, 2013

Skin Care Routine for the Lazy

Hello my perfect loves,
I really want to tell you all about my skin care routine with the drug store products that I use. I am wicked lazy when it comes to skin care. Honestly, I just don't want to do it. When I want to go to sleep I just want to sleep, not take an extra 30 minutes messing with my face and then go to sleep. I also don't like to do it in the morning either. Who wants to wake up early to do all that? So this is for us lazy girls.

I have really dry skin, and occasionally get hormonal acne, just on my chin. When I was in high school, I had crazy hormonal acne and legit tried everything and eventually got put on birth control and an antibiotic which after about 6 months - a year made everything clear up nicely. The reason I am trying to get into a good skin care routine is because when I want to make sure that I will have nice skin when I am older. It's a known that taking care of your skin is important, and it is also proven that taking care of it when you are young, can help your skin when you are older.

When I got my makeup done a few weeks back, the makeup artist asked about my skin care routine. I was honest. I said really, I just use a makeup wipe to take my makeup off at night and put on a light moisturizer and that's it. She didn't like my answer. She told me that when you sleep, your skin detoxes and pushes out all the bad stuff in it. She told me if I'm going to do anything, that I have to at least wash my face in the morning to get all of the bad stuff off of my skin. I would love to have lovely skin when I am older, so I figure I should take her advice.

My morning routine:
1. I use the Neutrogena Extra Gentle Cleaner wash for sensitive skin, that way my skin still retains the moisture it needs.
2. I use the St. Ives Timeless Skin moisturizer which is supposed to help reduce wrinkles. I realize I'm only 21, but it doesn't hurt to be preventative! This moisturizer is extremely thick, so if you don't have dry skin like I do, I would recommend something lighter for the day. 

My night routine
1. I take off my makeup with a makeup wipe. Right now I am using just a generic Meijer brand, and it's cheap and does the job.
2. I either use the  same Neutrogena Extra Gentle Cleanser that I use in the morning, or I will use the St. Ives Timeless Skin Apricot Scrub. (I use the scrub about 2 times a week
3. I use the St. Ives Timeless Skin moisturizer which is a PERFECT night moisturizer because it's so thick.

That's it. That is 100% all I do. Just 2 steps in the morning and 3 steps at night. It is super simple, it's quick and it's cheap. I can't say enough good things about these products. I used to not purchase the St. Ives products because I thought they were so inexpensive, they must not be good. Do not be fooled, I am in serious love with these products and my cleanser. If you are lazy like me when it comes to skin care, give this a try and let me know how it works for your skin type? If you use any of these products, tell my why you do or don't love them!

Have a happy Monday, and I wish you all great skin!

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