Saturday, August 24, 2013

Tweezerman Eyelash Curler

For all my makeup life, I've always heard and been told that your eyelash curler doesn't matter, as long as you have one, you're good. I have always purchased the cheap Revlon ones and never thought anything of it. I just thought it was my eyelashes or my mascara that was making it so my eyelashes wouldn't stay curled. Boy was I wrong. The only other YouTube beauty guru that I have watched that has said your eyelash curler makes a difference was amarixe and I didn't believe her...until now.

I have straight as a board eyelashes. So straight in fact, that throughout high school I would blow dry my eyelash curler and then curl my eyelashes to hopefully make them stay. Some days they turned out crazy spidery looking, other days they looked fine. I was at work the other day, and I asked my coworker who has beautifully curled eyelashes what she used. She said she used a Revlon one... I was perplexed... how in the world were her eyelashes looking so perfect and mine fell straight?

I had a couple Target gift cards lying around, and went searching to see if I could find a different eyelash curler that would curl these bad boys. I mosied around for quite sometime and then I stumbled across these $12 Tweezerman eyelash curlers. There were also a couple other only $9. A girl I was with told me to just get it. I was a bit worried, $12 for an eyelash curler? The Revlon ones were like $2... what could possibly be the difference?

The next day, I used this new eyelash curler, and holy curly eyelashes... This eyelash curler is a dream boat. If you have stick straight eyelashes I will 100% vouch for this eyelash curler. It is so unbelievably great.

On the left is my old, Revlon eyelash curler and on the right is the Tweezerman eyelash curler. 

Here is my proof to you. First is a picture of my naked eyelashes. The left side was curled with the Revlon eyelash curler while the right side was curled with the Tweezerman eyelash curler.

Now here are my eyelashes with one coat of mascara on them.

Lastly, here are my eyelashes with two coats of mascara on them.They both look alright here. but the kicker is the next one.

Lastly, Here are my eyelashes exactly one hour later. The Tweezerman side is still pretty perfectly curled, while the Revlon side is rather straight... and the more time that passes, the straighter these eyelashes got. Thank goodness I found the Tweezerman eyelash curler!

If you have crazy, super straight eyelashes, let me know what your favorite eyelash curler is? Have any of you eyelash obsessives noticed a difference in how your eyelashes look when curled by different eyelash curlers? Is there a less expensive alternative? Tell me your thoughts!

XO - Stacey

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