Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fashion Show Hair and Such

Two posts right in a row... oh lord who am I??  Don't get your panties in a bunch, we all know it will seem like years until I post on here again. fail.

For those of you know don't know, I am a college student going for fashion merchandising. For my final project I had to put on a fashion show. I was super impressed with all the hair so I figured I would put up some hair-spiration. (hair inspiration... duh) Along with showing some of the garments worn. Almost finished with the semester, so all my final projects are coming to an end... thank goodness.

Here is some of the hair... So perfect... If only we could wear our hair like this on a regular basis and not be judged...

How Wonderful!!!

Now for some pictures of the models and such. 

It was seriously so wonderful. I couldn't thank these girls, or the hair/makeup artists enough for helping put on a great show. We've been working all semester on getting everything ready, and Tonight it finally came together. Made in the Midwest, An Independent Fashion Preview was a great success!

Hopefully some of this inspires you to do some crazy hairstyles. What do you guys think about wearing these hairstyles out and about for a day? 

XO - Stacey

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