Friday, December 14, 2012

Short Hair Fail and some texture knowlege

Wahhh ): So this morning I tried to make my hair super cute but I didn't really put two and two together when it came to my curling wand. I wanted to make my textured wavy-ish hair from last night more defined... but I ran into a couple problems.

Problem One: For some reason when I woke up this morning my hair was almost completely straight...? what?! I haven't had relatively straight hair since I was in elementary school. Maybe it was how I slept with it along with my constant need to touch my hair that flattened it out, or maybe my hair texture has changed.  For those of you that don't know, hormones change your hair texture throughout life. Science shows that it changes every 5 to 7 years. For example, when I was a baby through elementary school, I had thick straight hair. Once I was in 5th grade (the beginning of the dreaded puberty) my hair began to get curly, and by the time I was in 8th grade and finally having periods, my hair was flat out CURLY. It's been 8 years since then, so I'm sure a changing hair texture is probably very common at this point in my life, but I'd like to know what hormones randomly decided to change it?

What I have read mostly is that the three major changes in hair occur when at least one of these three hormones change. Thyroxine, Insulin, and Androgen. I'm not sure why, but any fluctuation can change your hair. This usually means, puberty, pregnancy, and menopause are the main times peoples hair change... but I'm not at any of those stages... and I wonder why now? 

If any of you couldn't answer me this, I would love to read your thoughts.

Now on for my hair... So I attempt to curl it right? I didn't even think twice about using a mixture of flat iron, and 1 and 1/2'' curling wand... obviously this isn't going to turn out very well is it. A curling wand THAT big will just make my already thick hair, larger. Which turned out terribly might I ad.

I'm thinking in my future I will need to get a teeny tiny curling wand to make everything look perfect.

The first picture is what my hair looked like when I woke up... and the second is well... the hair fail...

Maybe something better will come of the next few days?


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